Friday, April 2, 2010

Hungry girl?

Okay. So what I don't get, is how we have so many food and book writers in this country who want to "fix" Americas eating habits.
"Substitute bread crumbs with Fiber One, now you can finally eat what you want!"
Eat what I fucking want? How the hell do I eat what I fucking want when you're changing the ingredients?
Don't blame me. Blame Americas food companies. We are such an insufficient country that we cannot provide for ourselves. We need people on television to tell us what we can and cannot eat.
What happened to farm sustainability?
"We can't let these foods get the best of us."
What? Really? How pathetic are you? You say "we don't have to starve ourselves". Lady, you are not fixing the problem, you are "feeding" it!
Do we not understand that we are taking shit, making it look like shit, substituting the shit, with more shit?
As foul as that sounds, I hope it comes across very easily. We are contradicting ourselves.
I cook with fresh ingredients every single day. Never have I taken a processed ingredient,..called it "bad for me", then taken another processed product and called it "good for me". How ridiculous does it sound when I point it out?
Giving us the choice to sabotage our bodies has been a relevant subject for the last 60+ years. Why are we just now trying to 'fix' this problem? We have been given the opportunity to choose for ourselves in the market place.
What would happen if we all just decided to have a farm, or a garden? Or if we just had a daily farmers market. We would save so much money, thus we would be supporting our farmers, thus we would create healthy bodies.
We have more power than we think we do. We are settling for what the grocery store has to offer. We are forced to comply with market rules about food. The grocery store has become a battle field of fat vs fat.
I may be a line cook, but I'm sickened by the pathetic nature of our society when it comes to food. The business that I'm in is created for people who want to enjoy food. If it were not for people such as chefs, or line cooks, this world would be extinct already.

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